Download Instagram Effects? New method!

First of all check out this amazing article (link bellow) that kick start a new method to download instagram effects also known by filters!

The big question asked by Michele Renzullo is:

Do you ever wish to copy some parts of an Instagram effects? Well, it’s possible

I will share a link to his article:

Feel free to read more about the original post.

Part of this process it could be done more fast and easy with the online tools that we found.

This article will help you when you reach this point.

When you follow the steps from  Renzullo tutorial, you reach step "14." and here you can use a website to convert this, without installing anything just go to:

Convert .ktx to .png online
Simple online tool to convert KTX (Khronos Texture) to PNG (Portable NetwordGraphic). Drag and Drop your ktx file into the browser to convert it quickly and easily. The .ktx file format was defined by Khronos. It provides a unified way ofstoring OpenGL compatible image texture data. Since this…

With this tool you can easily pass the KTX file also known by Khronos Texture to PNG file. This will save you some extra time when you do his tutorial.

The old way to download Instagram filters

In the early days, Instagram users had photo filters a handful to choose from, but now those days are over. There are many endless ways now to enhance your story and photos on Instagram.  The filters of Instagram help building a personal brand, creating a cohesive look of your profile, thus saving both money and time. Users can now use filters to select from the camera options. It is not harder to find the new filters, and you can save them to your camera after downloading.

How to look for filters on Instagram?

Swipe on your Instagram newsfeed to the left to open your camera. You can tap by the ‘Your story’ the plus sign icon on your newsfeed, in case it is the first post on that day.

You can see on the camera screen to the left the circular menu bar representing a magnifying glass on the option ‘Browse Effects.’ The last option is the Browse Effects on the menu.

Tap and open the Effect Gallery.

On the homepage, find the popular filters. Scroll and select the categories. You can tap in the upper corner right-hand appearing magnifying glass to search.

You can see the Effect Gallery provides various filters, and you just have to tap on a filter in the Effect Gallery. Wait for it to open, and it opens as a preview page. Choose filters of your choice to express in your Instagram.

Finally, tap at the screen right bottom download icon and save it on your camera.

A few tips

The option to download the filters for your Instagram is located to the airplane icon left. The arrow mark changes into a checkmark as the Instagram story filter saves it.  You can see your filter menu on the camera screen because of the saving effect.

In the right corner top of the preview filter screen, tap the ‘X,’ or you can swipe it down to the Effect Gallery. You may also tap the filter name appearing on the screen bottom while testing the filter. It will bring a ‘Save Effect’ option. You can tap and save this effect on your camera.

Select on Android phones the back arrow or press on iPhones the ‘X,’ which appears in the left corner up as Instagram’s Effect Gallery. Finally, you get to see the new saved Instagram filter in your menu and use it for the Instagram stories.